Monday, February 9, 2015

dave GO and the Guy from Beastmaster - Bed-Sitter Girl

Dave Go and the Guy from Beastmaster aren't slowing down any time soon, and neither should you. Producing music at a steady pace, this outfit culls from a massive archive of tape samples and produced music and act as an audio collage artist. Splicing and rearranging pieces into new/weird/wonderful work is something that comes easy to Dave Go and the Guy, and the results are amazing.

Jazzy and solid "you learned to leave" is a head bopper for sure. Classy old jazz samples over a dope beat. "...get..." keeps that solid beat banging into a mid 90's hip hop vibe as gang vocal samples pleasantly threaten violence. "Sensory triage" is a more warbly and warped piece, with beautiful guitar bleeding in over samples to make for an immersive environmental experience.

"Please don't put my magnetically recorded music in your tape player if it (your tape player) damages tapes, thanks." features a super creepy and amazing sample of the Sycamore Trees song when Cooper enters The Lodge on Twin Peaks, echoed and eerie out of its normal context. The song transitions to more dope ass beats before returning to the Peaks sample, its super unsettling and awesome. "Continuity" revisits that weird jazzy environmental feel from "sensory triage", plugging along a solid beat with horn samples and smooth keys.

"(to make one's self available) to dance" has an amusing title, because while dancy as hell it features some complicated break beat stuff that's hard for a dancer to discernibly follow. Super intriguing and fun to experience. "like a fish in or out of water" is a fuzzy and dark closer, complete with rhythmic metallic percussion as well as layered and reversed Tuvan throat singing. Noisy as can be but still extremely direct and confrontational.

All in all another wonderful collection from Dave Go and the Guy from Beastmaster. Grab this over at his bandcamp page.


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