Thursday, August 28, 2014

Peaer - The Eyes Sink Into The Skull

Peaer is the artist name of Peter, formerly of Fugue and Poverty Hollow. He has a new deep dark moody album of weirdo prog songs that is well worth your time. He also couldn't have possibly chosen a better album cover for the sound of this album.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Melt - Stay for a While

Here's a fun/cool/weird 3 track EP by Torrington/Litchfield's Melt. "Funny You Should Mention" is like a fuzzy old song from the glory days of underground rock. At once sounding both classic and new this song sounds brooding and dark but heartfelt, with uneasy guitars and sweet effected croons. This song also plays in 3 different tempos in a mere 3 and a half minutes.

"Let's Go For A Ride" is a little less dark and a little more sweet. Extremely cool bass guitar work in this song alongside those same lovely effected vocals. This song also slips in and out of different tempos, which is an interesting choice. "Sleep Until It's Dark"  returns to the uneasy but pretty guitar sound of the first track, feeling like a weird lo-fi combo of Elison Jackson and Werewolf Police. "Sleep.." is definitely more on the experimental side than any of the other tracks, and with the big picture we can see this band clearly has a lot they intend to explore in sound.

Big ups to this band and their late june release. Get your ears into it!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Dr. Martino's Big Day EP

Dr. Martino are a band in Willimantic that moved there from Florida earlier this year. They have been playing shows and have released their new EP "Big Day" which is brimming with good time tunes to brighten your parties and fill up your ears!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Ab Origine - The CTINDIE Radio Spot (August 2014 Edition)

Bob D'Aprile from CTROCK on WPKN Bridgeport and have teamed up to produce and syndicate an ongoing monthly radio spot promoting as many CT shows and artists as we can. The spot series, called Ab Origine (from the source, in latin) premiered June 28th 2012 on WPKN.

Hear the latest edition of Ab Origine below:

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Big ass show this weekend deep in New Preston. If you haven't been to New Preston it's really quite something, and this is a perfect opportunity as there are awesome bands playing, and it will also be Hubbell Mountain's last show for the foreseeable future!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Lost Riots/Slitstitch/Death Church. Saturday night in New Haven.

The Folks at Three Sheets ( 372 Elm St.) in New Haven have done a swell job shedding the image left behind by Elm Bar and have turned their business into a destination point in downtown New Haven. They have great food, some fabulous micro brewery beers on tap and best of all, all the shows are free.

This Saturday at Three Sheets punk rock returns with local goth/horror punks Death Church, Connecticut music awards winners for "Best Punk" The Lost Riots, and coming down from Worcester, Ma are the Social Distortion sounding Slitstitch.

Doors: 9pm
Cover: FREE


Brought to you by the fine folks at Connecticut Garage/Punk

Monday, August 4, 2014