Thursday, April 25, 2013

Track Premier: Hole In My Heart by VIOLENT MAE

Becky Kessler & Floyd Kellogg are pretty well known CT names in their own right, so to find out they have been toiling on a new LP together is wonderful news! They have chosen a band name, Violent Mae. They have also been so kind as to choose CTINDIE to premier their first single from the upcoming LP, and we are pleased to bring you "Hole In My Heart".

The track features Becky's signature sweet vocals over a catchy and chill folk-country tune. It definitely feels bigger than country, perhaps it's just the pedal steel that makes me lump it into the country category. As someone who generally doesn't have much interest in genre with the exception of mockery, this song uses styles and instruments common to specific genres, but really this song is so much more enjoyable than any one genre could offer me.

See for yourself, and keep your eyes peeled for a Violent Mae LP coming out soon from the Hartford Casa de Warrenton family!