Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Jacques Le Coque - LP

12 awesome new tracks from an amazing local band, Jacques Le Coque's new self titled debut LP is a powerhouse of good tunes and high energy leaving you clamoring for more!

This album has a perfect opener "Ain't No Fun" which kicks off instantly with high energy action! This song has power, attitude and charm. It fills your ears with thunderous sound reminiscent of 70's garage rock and punk, mixed with the some of the more joyful sounds from the grunge 90's and late 80's.

"Can't Be Alone" is classic as well, very "british invasion" but still modern and like all other cuts on this LP, FILLED with high energy. I hear a ton of The Kinks in this band, just a little more unhinged. I specifically appreciate that these songs are trim and to the point without a ton of self-indulgence.

"Follow You" instantly give's me The Romantic's "What I Like About You" sensation but the band is still able to make the sound their own and do something new with it. The guitar lead is especially tasteful here!

Next, "Burnin' Alive" takes the speed up to almost unbearable levels. This is a wicked fast blast of grit and guitars matched by vocals dripping with attitude. I don't know how the drummer keeps up with this song.

Just when I think it can't get any more hectic on this record, then comes "Put Me In Your Pocket", easily the fastest and most cumbersome track on this whole beautiful mess. Overlapping vocals and insanity keeps this track teetering on the edge of fitting in. It makes the grade though. It is fierce enough to make sense on this record without going TOO far overboard.

"Quarter Mile" is a great closing track, it is fun but still intense, melodic but still has that punk attitude. It's a fun sing-a-long and dancy track sure to bring down the house live. These guys really have their sound perfected and they are making music that is all their own.

Get this LP at their bandcamp and get the limited CD at their shows!!!

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