Thursday, July 5, 2012

Zen Lunacy: No Sense Makes Sense

Manchester, CT's Zen Lunacy have their own sound, that much is clear. They pull this sound from a vast multitude of locations in time and space and condensed them down into an LP bursting with goodness!

The title track starts off this whirlwind of a recording with a prog sound. Start/stop drums over a mesmerizing riff heavy with effects. A perfect introduction to the sound of the album. “Mindbender” twists and turns, but still keeps its groove. Kevin’s vocals do just what they should over the disjointed composition.
“Serious Delirium” has some licks and hooks! This is complex and groovy pop-rock. A bunch of time was clearly spent on these songs and their puzzle pieces. “Mirrors” follows suit with a fun/awkward take on traditional pop. The effects in this song to a great deal for the musical environment it cultivates.
“Easily Possessed” starts out extremely prog, with a bass and guitar dual lead and up to this point the most odd of the melodies. This is a head scratcher, but that is something that I enjoy! This one gets REALLY technical at the end, and is totally athletically impressive.
“Frequency” is another prog groover. This one trucks along a barren highway at steady speed. Kevin’s vocals seem almost dissonant but still completely appropriate. “Trust Us” gets a little classic rock, in a tasteful way. The whole feel of this song is a strange combination of old and new. I am not exactly sure which vibe wins out! “New Creatures” takes us back to the trippiness of “Frequency” a little bit, chugging along but still twisting and switching just when you think you have the song all figured out.
“Flesh & Bones” is a Sabbath-style rocker, but with a different classic vocal sound. The most conventional of the songs so far, this one still rocks the hell out with tight leads! “Foundation” starts a little lighter than the rest and then kicks up a notch to deliver the full blast we have been getting so far on the LP.
“Delusional” starts out simple enough and becomes chaotic in brief blasts. This song has creepy verses! The final track “Hungry & Freaky” is a foot stomping groove fest that brings the whole thing to a close. This song has some real T-Rex flavor and is perfectly suited to close a set of recordings such as this. This album barely slows down for even a moment to let you catch your breath before pummeling you with more and more blasts of rocking groove!

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