Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Elison Jackson - I Do Believe She Flew Out The Drainpipe EP

Elison Jackson have a new record, and they want to press it to 10 inch vinyl! They set up a kickstarter to get your help in pressing this record and they even have a gig tomorrow at Cafe Nine and all proceeds go to their kickstarter!

For many locals, vinyl is the kind of permanence one must always be trying to attain. A fantasy for so many of us, and a possibility for Elison Jackson. All the mixing and mastering is done for this EP and they want your help pressing it!

Elison Jackson have crafted a wonderful folk-pop gem with "I Do Believe She Flew Out The Drainpipe", an EP ripe with well crafted tunes.

A guitar and banjo introduce "The Man From Lowell", as the song picks up the vocals come in, cracked and fractured but soulful. The sorrowful verses are met with triumphant horns in the chorus. This is a fantastic first track, it has a traditional folk sensibility, with modern twists.

"Burned" creeps in with bass and light drums, like something out of The Black Lodge from Twin Peaks. The haunting warble of the vocals lends to this sensation as well, with tinges of Jeff Buckley and Dave Longstreth, even a little Chris Issak (in a good way). The organ in this song is a very nice touch. This song reaches it's peak after a big build up, and delivers all the way to the end.

"Parking Lot" continues down the dark folk path, with touches of the same kind of hazy supernatural energy of the last song. It all sounds a bit more urgent in this song though. The reverb swells all the sound in waves and there is an intermittent synth lead between the verses. This one as well gets big and intense by the end, distortion leading the way to a cacophony of awesome.

The folk becomes a bit light hearted in "New Britain Song", at least with the music. It would seem these guys don't dig on New Britain too much, but that's OK as they turned their disdain into an interesting combination of folky guitar, disco dance drum beat and continued crooning by lead vocalist Sam Perduta.

"Family Vacation" closes out the set in a fittingly dark way. This EP is as dark as midnight on a moonless night, and this song brings it all to a head. It's 2nd half really takes it over the top with swelling organ, big drums and vocal harmonies everywhere.

This recording totally deserves to be pressed and it is up to all of us to pitch in and help Elison Jackson keep moving upward in their journey.

You can help by going to their show at Cafe Nine tomorrow with a huge slew of awesome bands, all donating their time to help this awesome band get closer to a dream realized.

7/18 @ Cafe Nine  8PM/$6/21+
250 State St, New Haven
Taco Hut and CT.com present:
Fake Babies
Ports of Spain
Elison Jackson
Kindred Queer
Jose Oyola



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