Monday, March 12, 2012

Joshua Burkett, with Foole's Pewtr, Baseball Camp Nurse - March 18th

Willimantic Records
744 Main Street (entrance in the back)
Willimantic, CT
phone: (860) 450-7000

This is the first art exhibition for Willimantic Records, Connecticut's new used record shop. On Sunday, March 18th, from 4PM to 7PM, Joshua Burkett (owner of Mystery Train Records), will perform. Josh might play solo, or be playing with Conrad Capistran as Tarp or as a member of Frozen Corn.

Josh's statement:

I graduated from Massart in '94 with a degree in painting & have been doing art/music before and ever since. My graphic art has mostly been centered around posters for music, events & album covers (often related to the musical projects I’ve been involved in), but my paintings and solo musics have been more personal/internal investigations. I have many solo albums now, and have also had many solo art & painting shows over the years... the most recent being at the great Flywheel Art Space in Easthampton where it was the first show at their new larger space which opened a couple years ago. The first book of my paintings is scheduled to be released by Time-Lag Records/Press later this year, and is an overview of my paintings from over the years. For me art & music symbolize the best aspects of ‘civilization’ & they are something that can truly bring hope during dark times & can bring us on much needed & special journeys of imagination and wordless-communication. For me art is a/thee true ‘reality.’

Baseball Camp Nurse will play at 4PM, followed by Foole's Pewtr (Ron Schneiderman and Dredd Foole).

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