Monday, December 12, 2011

Charter Oak, Back in the Game

This is Robert Denby posting for Mr. Andrew Jackson.

The Charter Oak Cultural Center
is continuing their tradition of top shelf indie rock shows now in a slightly cozier setting. For the past year, the Oak has been hosting Indie Nights in the Gallery below the sanctuary roughly once per month. The new venue is accessed by the red side door, giving it a decidedly underground feel. This month, the night to remember is Saturday, December 17.

The line up features an all local cast including:

Ghost in your Basement from Torrington

Ports of Spain from New Haven

Pools are Nice from Orange

and getting back together for their second last show ever, the briefly lived Hartford based band

Girls in the Boy Scouts

Doors open at 8 pm and lasts until it is finished.

As always a door fee of 6$ or 5$ and a canned veggie to donate to Hartford Food Not Bombs is suggested.

Charter Oak Cultural Center
21 Charter Oak Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106

Ghost In Your Basement - Basements EP - 01 Basements Pt. 1 & 2 by CTINDIE

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