Thursday, October 27, 2011

Safety Meeting presents: Ferocious Fucking Teeth, Murder Van, Wrists Like This, & Wry

Safety Meeting presents:

Ferocious Fucking Teeth,
Murder Van,
Wrists Like This,
& Wry

Friday, Oct 28th
$5 cover
at the El n Gee
86 Golden St, New London, CT

Ferocious Fucking Teeth
Heavy Stoney Jams from the New London area! New LP coming this Winter from Safety Meeting. Come check these guys out and get psyched up to grab the record. Bring something put in your ears cause it's gonna get loud.

Murder Van
Three piece rock n roll. Heavy, sweaty, a lot of fun from start to finish. Murder Van doesn't fuck around and you should know this before getting in front of them.

Wrist Like This
These guys are in Fatal Film. I love Fatal Film. Even though I don't know much about this new project, I got a good feeling that this is going to be awesome. Also, people who've seen them have raved about them. So leave your socks at home, unless you don't mind having them blown off.

Keith used to be in Shiv. Shiv was incredible. Keith is still pretty awesome. The other guys are pretty cool too. This is his newest project. Loud, aggressive, rock n roll for your earhole.

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