Monday, August 15, 2011

D-Beat til you die with Victims

Some would say that punk rock is more relevant today than it has ever been, due to the current crazy state of the world with its economic crisises, wars and rioting. Of course, one has to dig below the current glut of mainstream punk or mall punk that is clogging up the airwaves and head directly for the underground where most of the exciting and edgy music is being made.

“Punk rock and hardcore are still relevant as underground entertainment, yes. As long as bands push the boundaries a bit it’s still interesting, I don’t know in what sense it’s relevant? For rebellious teenagers? Probably. I hope so,” said Swedish d-beat heroes Victims guitarist/vocalist Jon Lindqvist.

He does know what he’s talking because Victims have been blowing eardrums and minds since they formed in 1997 and it seems like they are not slowing down for anyone. They’ve just released an excellent new album, “A Dissident” and are in the midst of another North American tour, one that will take them to the Cherry Street Station in Wallingford this Wednesday. These guys are veterans and pros at what they do, and they clearly enjoy what they do.

“I think we all have a common love to play together, or else we'd have quit the band years ago. We also write (to us at least) interesting music,” said Lindqvist
The band play a style of music that is known as d-beat hardcore which usually mixes the ferocity of Discharge (that’s where the “D” in “D-beat” comes from) and the metal leanings of Motorhead. It’s a raucous sound one that definitely takes no prisoners. While some bands would get away from labeling Lindqvist knows what they are and what they do well.

“The similarity is that all records are based on the mighty D-beat, but on every record I think Victims had a BIT of a different take on playing D-beat-hardcore. We definitely became a bit more melodic, but also a bit more focused in our songwriting,” said Lindqvist.

“A Dissident” is a scorching follow up to their “Killers” album. The running time might be double of the last disc, but the band manages to make it a tight and killer 30 minute ride that showcases their ferocity, while letting some hooks sink in along with the odd ripping guitar solo. It will hit the pleasure spots of people who like their punk fast and hard.

The band, which also features Johan Erikkson (vocals/bass), Andy Henriksson (drums) and Gareth Smith, ex-Raging Speedhorn, (guitar) follows in a long line of killer extreme punk and metal bands that hail from Sweden. In fact, it wouldn’t be too far off base to say that Sweden has the most killer bands per capita than any other country in the world. And a lot of these bands are angry and loud, which would seem a little weird, in a country where the populace seems to enjoy a pretty good standard of living. Where does this anger come from?

“I get this question all the time, and it’s such a hard question to answer. I think that much of the reason we've had a good music export since I'd say ABBA, is the convenience with getting state-owned rehearsal spaces. So, blame it on socialism, hahaha,” said Linqvist.

There you have it. Blame Entombed and their ilk on socialism. Just don’t tell any Tea Party members, or Republican punks, because that might not be what they want to hear.

Well, regardless of your political views, it’s worth it to come down to Cherry on Wednesday and witness one the best underground punk bands, doing what they do best, which is lay waste to a club.

Manic Productions and Catamount Productions Presents:
Misanthropic Noise
Wednesday August 17
Cherry Street Station
491 North Cherry Street Ext
Wallingford, CT
7:00 pm - $8 – 21+ Tickets

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