Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jan. 29th - Blank Dogs, The Soft Moon

Saturday, January 29 2011 BLANK DOGS, THE SOFT MOON, APSE

Blank Dogs, The Soft Moon, Apse

Meet at Redscroll Records (for SECRET LOCATION) (map)
24 North Colony Road
Wallingford, CT

8:00pm - All Ages - $8

Blank Dogs
Mike Sniper (aka Blank Dogs) never meant to be one of Brooklyn’s ‘most mysterious musicians’. Things just ended up that way, as the singer/multi-instrumentalist released a steady stream of limited singles and EPs on such reputable indie labels as Sacred Bones, HoZac and Woodsist. Not to mention’s Sniper’s own Captured Tracks imprint—a carefully-curated roster that’s grown as quickly as Blank Dogs itself, thanks to such buzz-stirring releases as Dum Dum Girls’ debut EP and recent records by Beach Fossils, Wild Nothing and Minks.
Captured Tracks
Mp3s: http://www.myspace.com/blankdogtime

The Soft Moon
Raised under the burning sun of the Mojave desert, Vasquez channels both his punk upbringing and Afro-Cuban heritage to sculpt decidedly dystopian soundscapes for a new generation of torn romantics. It’s a record set somewhere in the near post-apocalypse where technology enchants as much as it destroys.
Captured Tracks
Mp3s: http://www.myspace.com/thesoftmoon

Apse (pronounced /‘apps/) is a cadre of ghosts wailing into the cold New England wind. In recent years the group has channeled itself through ATP Recordings, reaching a larger audience so all can immerse themselves in its dark realms. Its sounds are heard on the tribal atmospheric swamp of Spirit, the drug-addled lo-fi montage Eras, or recently on Climb Up’s more rousing gesture toward the light. The group's live performances - often known for their unmistakable dark intensity and shamanic conjurings - are not to be missed.
Mp3s: http://apsecraft.tumblr.com

1 comment:

  1. Blank Doggin'-it!

    Lots of stuff to do this night... the Hygienic Rock Fix show in New London... Aziz Ansari at the Mohegan Arena (come on, that's great stuff)...

    Captured Tracks is shit.
