Wednesday, January 12, 2011

ATRINA, Eurisko, Ashes vs. Leaves

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Freight Street Gallery
170 Freight St
Waterbury, CT

8PM - $5 - BYOB

Event page

bios grabbed from Facebook event page

ATRINA (taken from a review in the New Haven Advocate):
It's nice to be disarmed. Atrina force you to meet them with openness and wonderment, rather than superficial expectations based on their clothes or equipment. And it ultimately pans out, since the feel of their music is iconic. Their set was marked by turbulent riffs in angular time signatures. L'Heureux's vocals were relentless, plaintive; she wasn't yelling or screaming, and yet her lyrics seemed to evacuate her voice before they ever reached the audience, leaving us with just the sound itself, a husk of something communicated. Chilling, morbid, and delicious.

Eurisko is a 5-piece rock band from the greater New Haven/Waterbury area that recently formed in early 2010. Since their inception they have developed a sound soaked in whiskey, multi-layered guitar riffs, and creatively grim lyrics. Influenced primarily by folk and indie rock, Eurisko’s music spans from quickly paced melodic ballads to deep, creeping songs carrying shipments of woe; and has drawn comparisons to the music of Tom Waits, The Decemberists, Murder By Death, and Bright Eyes. The combination of three guitars, bass, and drums gives Eurisko the flexibility to take a wide-ranging and detailed approach to their song-writing, which are then given more dimension through the use of poetic lyrics and storytelling.

Ashes vs. Leaves:
This indie-rock four-piece, hailing from Carrboro North Carolina, is bound to catch your ear. Their songs feature crunchy, swaggering guitar riffs matched with punching rhythms and heartfelt lyrics. They present a straight up rock sound that goes from toe-tapping to head-bopping in a matter of seconds, and they don't stop there. These guys are definitely a band that you want to bring home to mama!

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