Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Math Rock Showcase

Thursday, September 9, 2010:

German Club, University Of New Haven
300 Boston Post Road
West Haven, CT

7:00 PM - Free

Giraffes? Giraffes!:
Massachusetts math rock duo - "Joe taps and plucks while Ken taps and hits."

Zona Mexicana - From SUNY Purchase, NY.

Like Nomads - guess they moved from RI to FL. Oops, moved from FL to RI that is.

<a href="http://likenomads.bandcamp.com/album/balls-out">Nice Shot Budd Dwyer by like nomads.</a>

Good Citizens - from CT.

Shrk Wk - "Made of shaved dirt and tree bark."

<a href="http://shrkwk.bandcamp.com/album/bagel-bagel">Yesness!! by Shrk Wk</a>

Full Of Birdy - madness

1 comment:

  1. Just FYI, Like Nomads recently moved from FL to RI.
