To me, they have to be CT's best band right now. In the past year or so for the most part we haven't heard a lot out of them. They played a show opening for Vetiver not too long ago, but things have been fairly quiet on the Titles front. But there's a very good reason for this: they've been working on their new album, releasing a scant few tracks here and there to eager response; but now the wait is over, it's finally out. They've officially released their latest album Dirt Bell on New Haven's Safety Meeting Records.
The album is layered and populated with some really beautiful moments. The word of mouth consensus on the album out there is that it's "lush" and I'm not going to argue that point. Each song is a tiny little masterpiece from start to finish, a self-contained universe. There's a lot of awesome super clean guitar work, fuzzy solos and sharp ringing slide tone. Dig a bit deeper and you'll hear more and more underlying parts with each sub sequent listen - anything from soft accordion tones to dogs barking. Titles' strengths still lie in their ability to change the feeling of a song on a dime, to take a sweet tune and turn it completely around to a fuzzy guitar nightmare and back again in matter of seconds.
Overtop of it all, is of course lead singer Brad Amorosino's vocals. He lends himself perfectly to the music, usually gritty and emotional, but not afraid to sing softly either. Even with the arrangements being as complex and breathtaking as they are, you can't help but think that it's all just backing for his vocal work, like those old Rat Pack records.
Anyway, you need to hear this album as soon as you can. You also need to go to Cafe Nine on Saturday to pick up a copy and see these guys live.
From what I've heard it's going to see a very limited LP release, and there's only going to be 100 of these pressed. So if you need a vinyl copy you better act super fast and grab one at the show. They'll be CDs as well, and apparently Los will be bringing some hand silk-screened jackets for sale (really?).
The opening band will be EULA from New Haven. I'm sure everyone knows who EULA is by now, they're probably one of the hardest working bands in CT. They tour constantly! They sound like someone attacking a guitar with a buzzsaw while the girl down the street is shrieking her head off. It's nothing but action-packed relentless rock.
Titles- "F#ck It" from Matt C on Vimeo.
Safety Meeting Presents:
Titles' Record Release Party for "Dirt Bell"
at Cafe Nine, Saturday, June 12th, 9pm, $4
EULA opens
9pm $4

I saw Brad on Saturday night and told him I couldn't wait for this weekend, but I'm sure he had no idea who the fuck I was.
I'm pretty sure no one has any idea who the fuck any of us are.
I kind of like it that way.
Oh, you're damn right. I'd rather be quietly anonymous than have everyone in the club know what a jerk I am.
For the LPs, we only pressed 100 copies, hand numbered them, threw in some CDs into the package and the Record Jackets are hand silk-screened. We didn't silk-screen any jackets for people to wear, but now I'm wishing that we did. There will be CDs for sale too, for those you who are into that sort of thing.
Man I was hoping for a nice old-timey smoking jacket with an owl on the back
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