Bare with me while I try to write a review that I enjoy writing and enjoy reading. I'm not going to act as though there was some sort of ambiance in the air that made me feel this way or that way about how the night was going to unravel or anything of the sort, primarily because that won't be of any real interest to the reader, and secondly, I'd probably have to lie to make it sound anything more than restless, tired, and totally self involved. If my own self involvement interests you, buy my zines, shameless plug,

Heavy Breath was the first band to play. Killian (who sings) wasn't wearing shoes, Mike Tobey (bass) was wearing red pants, JP (guitar) was wearing an Iron Age shirt (I like Iron Age), I don't remember what Chris (drums) was wearing, but you probably don't care anyway. I hate trying to say "this band sounds like this" or "if you're into this band, check out this band" because half the time, I feel as though I'm zoning out and not paying attention to what they really sound like and any comparison I might give would be either A. completely off the mark or B. well, I don't have a B. However, for the purposes of this drivel, I'll tell you that I heard parts that reminded me of 108, Deadguy, Rage Against the Machine, and some punx. Of all the bands that these guys have been in (Crackin, other ones I can't remember because I slept 2 hours last night), this is probably the only one that I've really enjoyed watching and hearing. I say check them out if you're into things that groove.

Cold Snap played next. It's unfair for me to write about this band because they're all close friends of mine and I put their 7" out (with Ben who plays bass in Cold Snap). I'll keep it brief. Cold Snap is a group of musicians that are simply in love with playing music and hanging out. Who knows when they're playing another show. One time they covered the beginning of "Stars" by Hum. They're a great band and they played a great set with a good number of new jams and that was that. This one time Jack was walking around in Unionville, where he lives, and this guy tried starting shit with him in a parking lot and Jack turned to him and said "Yo, your vibe is whack" and walked away. If you're not into Cold Snap, chances are, your vibe is whack.

Robots and Empire played after that. It's tough for me to write about this band as well because whatever I usually has to say revolves around me insulting anyone that isn't into them. A good percentage of the shows they play in Connecticut are poorly attended, to no fault of their own, but an unfortunate fact through and through. They covered Portishead and it sounded fantastic, as did the rest of their set. I could watch them play every night. I don't think they've written a song I don't like. They had CD-Rs available of another band that some of them are in called Spare Parks. You can find them on Myspace and Facebook and other sites. Anyway, this is another band that if you haven't taken the time to watch or listen to, you are seriously missing out. They wear wallabees, play heavy music inspired by 90s hardcore and space rock, and continually play to the same fifteen people in Connecticut every time they can. If you haven't listened to them, do so. If you haven't seen them play live, come see them the next time they're in your area.

Acid Tiger played last. They were really loud and their songs are really long and I was tired so this wore on me quickly, but I still enjoyed their set. A little bit of punk and a lot of rock. They got into their set and were fun to watch. I don't really have much else to say about this band. All the guys have been in other bands (to the best of my knowledge) (Converge, United Nations, etc) and it's nice to see them come out and play hard. It's nice seeing people still enjoy playing music, touring, and not being completely jaded.
Overall, the show had a generally thin attendance, but the people who were there wanted to be. I'm not one to try and con people into coming out to a show that they don't care about (but then again, I'm not the one covering costs, so I can afford (literally) to say that), and while it's nice to see a show attended by people who are psyched on the bands playing, it's generally disconcerting and wearing to see that so few people actually care. It's probably just this state.
"I'm not going to act as though there was some sort of ambiance in the air that made me feel this way or that way about how the night was going to unravel or anything of the sort, primarily because that won't be of any real interest to the reader, and secondly, I'd probably have to lie to make it sound anything more than restless, tired, and totally self involved."
I, for one, appreciate your restraint!
great review
definitely a great review
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