Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Teeth Mountain @ The Warehouse

Thank goodness for the Hartford Party Starters Union. With their impressive taste and hard-working hustle, they put in the effort and we reap the benefits. Last Saturday, they treated us to a sweet lineup at the Warehouse in Hartford.
Colorguard kicked off the night with a blistering track. Tweaking a series of knobs and messing with antiquated gramophone armatures led to scratched up layers of gritty goodness.
Roman Wolfe followed up with a collection of dreamy loops. He poked away at his Yamaha keyboard to create an ocean of sound.
D. Gookin was my favorite act of the night. Firing off a barrage of non sequiturs, he jammed out on his kit and kept the crowd rocking. (Dare I say dancing?) Everyone sang and moshed along to his electric remix of "1979." He always looks like he's having a good time and his enthusiasm spread through every spectator.
Finally, Teeth Mountain capped off the night with an ear-bending set. The occasional keyboard riff punctuated the percussion as two drum sets blended into one seamless body of beats. A hefty dose of guitar created an undercurrent of reverb that nearly knocked me over. The overall effect was that of a trippy drum circle pulling the audience a little further down the rabbit hole. If this show was any indication of how next week's show will be, I can't wait until Saturday. Game on!


  1. hope to see yall at the small black/washed out show

  2. ^^
    Check out M.Berman's blog-- I think you'd dig it, plus I think he links to you guys (CT Indie)
