Thursday, March 4, 2010

Fatal Film at Two Boots

For those of you who aren't aware, every Thursday there are free shows at Two Boots of Bridgeport. This is part of an ongoing series of Thursday night shows called "Indie Thursdays" run by the famous Bobby D. Tonight, New London's Fatal Film will be playing. These guys rock hard, but hardly ever play west of the river, so don't miss your chance to get out and see them. The show is free, and it starts at 9:00. Check out their latest release "Remember When You Were Fun" right here:

<a href="">Remember When You Were Fun by Fatal Film</a>


  1. Crap, this would be fun - I didn't know about this til now, otherwise I might've figured out a way to make this work; as it is, on a weeknight, it's kinda iffy... still, Fatal Film would be awesome in that place... crap.

  2. Yeah, the booking was very last minute (a couple of days ago). Thanks for helping to get word out.
