Friday, January 29, 2010

Welcome, Conversion Party, The Stars Be Mute @ Yale - Feb 6

WYBC is throwing a basement show next Saturday in New Haven. Welcome, Conversion Party and The Stars Be Mute are all lined up to play. There's also talk of Northpaw and The Rambles showing up. Not only is it a sick lineup it's free!

216 Dwight Street
New Haven, Connecticut 06511
February 6th
The Stars Be Mute
Cost: Free
Time: 9:00pm


  1. Conversion Party is sick. I saw them at a Bar Mitsvah. They were better than the movie "Time Bandits," which is a really good movie. After watching this video, I'm excited about seeing Welcome, too. I hope they bring pirates, crying skeletons, and treasure chests.

  2. bro, you shittin me about being better than time bandits? Thats a tall claim.
