Heres a lil' message from our friends at The Space:
Hey guys!
My name is Susannah and I am the new in house booking agent at The Space…I am turning 21 and having a birthday bash at The Space!!!! Essentially, it's going to be a show filled with locals and touring bands that I personally enjoy as well as CAKE, giveaways and fun! …..If you bring me a present, it's half off at the door.
Hope to see you there! -Susannah
The bands playing will be listed below and from what I hear this is gonna be good start for Susannah at The Space. Hit it up, party with the b-day girl, listen to some great local bands and get caked up.
The Space - January 10th
The Milkman's Union
Natalie Tuttle
God Tiny
The Woulda Coulda Shouldas
Buck McGrane
Cost: $10
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