Monday, December 14, 2009

The Dope Girls + Mr. Lee's Defense Squad+ Inside the Beehive @ Lil' Tommy J's December-29

This show is all smiles , from the Dope Girls kick drummin' to the ukulele strumming. I mean c'mon these people can even make swine flu sound good.

Lil Tommy J's home for lost boys - December 29
20 Shelly St
Waterbury, CT
The Dope Girls
Mr.Lee's Defense Squad
Inside the Beehive
Cost: They only want donations for touring bands , but c'mon show some Christmas spirit toss em a $10

1 comment:

  1. holy shit hahaha this is all too funny
    the video that is playing is my buddy andys band Mr. Lee's Defense Squad
    The Dope Girls is my band in the picture above the video
    whoever posted this is awesome for promoting the show but is a little confused about whos who
    just thought id let you guys know
    thanks again for posting this

    much love TETONKA!
    -joe (the dope girls)
