I threw a few questions his way in this quick interview:

MT: Clean livin' does it, sonny! Every second of every day is spent doing what I love and what I love is my work- whether it be retail, music, or keeping fit. There was a time when I used to experience boredom, but that was LONG ago.
JH: Any plans to ever open a physical store back up, or do you like it on the road?
MT: Much as I resent the fact that retirement was forced on me, I find that I enjoy it very much. Life on the road has proven viable, so that's where I'm staying for the forseeable future.
JH: Alright, so I have to ask - you used to play with GG Allin - what was that like?
MT: I never actually played with GG, but we had a friendly working relationship. He was always cool with me and I was always cool with him, so no problems there. I did finally get fed up with all of his collect calls from prison. That stuff was expensive.
JH: Hmm someone told me you played with him, I suppose my sources were grossly misinformed - but you know how the rumor tree works. Either way, it's kind of wild that you knew him. So this is probably either a really hard question or a really easy one: what's the best show you've ever seen?
MT: Overall, I have to say Cul De Sac, Gate, Male Slut, and Faust in the parking lot of the Hartford Courant. It was a real event. Electricity and anticipation were in the air. The day started with Cul De Sac, who could have headlined a show of their own any day. Each succeeding band topped the previous and Faust blew everyone out of the water at the end of the night. May 1, 1994. A pal of mine shot video of the whole thing and it's out there. Look it up!

Ultrabunny also has an album coming out very soon titled "The Outer Bounds Of Sound" on Noiseville Records.
In addition to the show, you can also catch up with Malcolm on his radio show or all over the state as Trash American Style hits the road. He'll also be playing solo at Cafe Nine with Nasty Disaster, and Deuce Frehley Band for Deuce Frehley's Birthday Rockout on Oct. 22nd!

That Gate show was in the parking lot of Real Art Ways. Thurston Moore opened with what was to become Psychic Hearts. I have that video, but I was told never to copy it or I would be strung up by my nuts and flogged with barbed wire. But I'm sorta into that kind of thing, so I might be into sharing it. Send me a message through the CT Indie email if you're interested.
This was cool...
Malcolm and I made a 6 song ep for GG Allin under the name "The Bloody Apostles". We were supposed to do some live shows together but in true GG style, the event imploded. Malcolm has the video if yr interested: GG Allin at SUNY Purchase 1987 or 1988.
-Bobby Bunny/Ultrabunny
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