Monday, March 30, 2009

Pains of Being Pure At Heart this month!

Friday, April 24 2009

Wallingford American Legion
190 Ward Street
Wallingford CT

$8 - 7:00PM - All Ages

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You've probably heard by now that Manic Productions has locked down the line up for the The Pains of Being Pure at Heart show.

Joining them are Stephen Broadsky, formerly of Cave In, but who is now a solo artist on Hydra Head Records. And the local opener is the indie pop band The Inclined Plane. Check out Tweefort's blog for a little more info on these guys.

The outpouring of enthusiasm and support for this show has been coming from all corners of Connecticut. Everyone seems to be chipping in to get you lazy bums out to this show. And hey, it's all ages, so you can even bring grandma too.


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