Friday, September 26, 2008

Shaki this Sunday

Sunday, September 28, 2008 - at BAR:

254 Crown St
New Haven CT
FREE - 9:00PM - 21+

DIRECTIONS: Click here

Meet Endless Boogie, the best-kept secret in New York's rock scene. The band's sound is a meltdown of metal, psychedelic and classic rock with a heavy dose of riffage, a kick-ass beat and super-cryptic lyrics. It's thunderous and mellow at once. To put it another way, it goes well with beer. (papermag)

"...Federale relies on the oldest tools of the trade: loud guitars, pounding drums, great musicianship and hooky songwriting. Their self-released debut is a triumph of twisted blues and boogie played loud and fierce and frenetically... this is not a record of dark and sludgy dirges, this is rock and roll." -Josh Madell (Other Music)

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